Zimbabwe Travel Situation Improving

Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

During my travels, some places capture my heart more than others. Zimbabwe was one of those places. I met so many wonderful people who were gracious and smiling despite suffering unbearable economic woes and political suppression. Finally, I am happy to report that my friends, who keep me apprised of current events, tell me that … Read more

Solving The Zimbabwe Crisis, One Person At A Time

Three weeks ago, the East African country of Zimbabwe held a Presidential election. By all accounts, incumbent President Robert Mugabe was soundly defeated, however his administration has so far refused to release the official results of the election. Instead, Mugabe’s corrupt government has unleashed a brutal campaign to retain power. The opposition says that ten … Read more

My Experience In Zimbabwe, One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Countries

Another view of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

A few days ago, Forbes Magazine released their 2008 list of the top ten most dangerous travel destinations in the world. Among them, in position #9, was Zimbabwe, Africa. I am extremely familiar with the problems in Zimbabwe, since it was one of my destinations during my around-the-world trip last year. I had always dreamed … Read more

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Malawi map courtesy of BBc news

In 2002, five million of the 13 million residents of Malawi, a predominantly rural African country the size of Pennsylvania, were starving. Over the past 20 years, the World Bank and a number of rich countries that Malawi depends upon for aid (including the U.S.), pressured this tiny landlocked country to eliminate fertilizer and seed … Read more