Sleeping in Mazatlan

Blissful, blissful sleep. At 9 p.m. last night I pulled the hand-loomed blanked up to my chin and sank into the two thin pillows doubled beneath my head. There was no television to distract me. My cell phone has no international service, so it wouldn’t be beeping every time I received an email. A few … Read more

Striking Places Off My Travel Bucket List

Baby Sea Lion Poses for a Portrait in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador

It’s time to reveal my tentative travel itinerary. I say tentative because I never really know what my route will be. Some places, I definitely want to visit; others are potential destinations and still others are only “if I have time.” I generally have a hotel or hostel reserved for the first few nights, but … Read more

Have Backpack, Will Budget Travel – Time to Hit the Road Again

Author, Barbara Weibel, at Agua Azul Waterfall in Chiapas, Mexico

Some people have itchy fingers. I have itchy travel feet. Since returning from my six-month round-the-world (RTW) trip in 2007 I’ve continued to travel in the U.S., staying on the road more than 50% of the time. I’ve been longing to strap on my backpack and head back out for another round of international travel … Read more

Repositioning Cruises – Great Deals

Last week I was having lunch with a couple of friends when the conversation turned to repositioning cruises. Not being familiar with the term, I asked them to tell me more. “They’re the absolute best cruise travel deals available!” my one friend insisted. And she proceeded to educate me. Some ships sail the same itinerary … Read more