My Fourth Travel Blog Exchange Conference – TBEX in Manila, Philippines

Filipino beauty queens parade at the Opening Night ceremony at TVEX in Manila 2016

This past October, I flew to the Philippines, to attend the Travel Blog Exchange Conference, officially known as TBEX in Manila 2016. My association with TBEX began back in 2009, when an email between six travel blogger friends became the impetus for the first get-together in Chicago. There were barely 100 people at that event. … Read more

Dumbest Moments In Travel for 2009

Queensland New Zealand airport with Remarkable Mountains in background

Travel Insights 100, a panel of travel experts selected by (the travel search engine that helps travelers decide where to go, where to stay, or what to do) were recently asked to name the dumbest moments in travel during 2009 (author’s update: subsequently shut down operations and sold their site to Groupon). The … Read more

Travel Insights 100 Make Travel Predictions for 2010, Choose Dumbest Travel Moments of 2009

A few months ago I was honored to be invited to become a member of Travel Insights 100, a panel of 100 travel experts that included activists, traditional media, independent travelers, and airline and hotel experts who have banded together to monitor travel insights and trends and share that information across the travel industry. Participants, … Read more