When Helping People, The Simplest Ideas Are The Best

During the past few years, I have frequently contemplated the issue of charitable giving. Every time there is a disaster of major proportion, we are called upon to donate. I listened to these pleas following 9/11 and the tsunami. Of late, the earthquake in China, the Myanmar cyclone, and the flooding along the Mississippi have … Read more

Visioning Peace

Recently, artist and University of San Francisco professor Richard Kamler organized the “Seeing Peace Billboard Project,” where ten artists from around the world were invited to imagine peace on a billboard-size scale. The result is ten very unique billboards placed around the city of San Francisco for all to see. It is Kamler’s profound hope … Read more

Free Hugs

Juan Mann is proof positive that one man (Mann?) can make a difference. I just love his video, called “Free Hugs.” It’s short, but carries a powerful message. Take just a couple of minutes to watch it. It will make your day.