Farewell To Illinois Until My Next Family Affair

Were it not for the fact that my family lives in Illinois I would never go there. I believe that every person, place and thing has a unique frequency. As we interact with other people, places and things these frequencies come into contact with each other. Sometimes they resonate with one another and other times … Read more

Travel Packing Tips for Long-Term Trips

travel packing tips

Since so many of you have expressed amazement at how I am able to travel long-term with so little luggage, I thought I’d share some of my travel packing tips. For anyone considering a trip around the world my first advice is to understand that the travel equipment companies like Magellan’s and REI offer SOME … Read more

My Niece’s Wedding

My niece's wedding

My niece, Gina, got married last Saturday. I know it’s been said a million times before, but I can’t help myself – it seems like just yesterday she was a tiny infant and I was holding her in my arms. It is almost inconceivable that she’s now graduated from college and is a married woman. … Read more

Somewhere In Kentucky

RTW travel. Photo courtesy of Boots 'n All.

Take heart, all ye devoted fans who have written that you are in withdrawal because you no longer have my blog to read over morning coffee. I have not left for good – I only took a short break. While I absolutely loved writing about my travels and sharing my photography with you, it was … Read more