Five For Fighting for Autism Speaks

The band, Five For Fighting, has generously agreed to donate $0.49 to Autism Speaks every time a video is viewed on this site: What Kind Of World Do You Want? The funding goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the above link to watch the video … Read more

My Experience In Zimbabwe, One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Countries

Another view of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

A few days ago, Forbes Magazine released their 2008 list of the top ten most dangerous travel destinations in the world. Among them, in position #9, was Zimbabwe, Africa. I am extremely familiar with the problems in Zimbabwe, since it was one of my destinations during my around-the-world trip last year. I had always dreamed … Read more

Finally, I’m Legitimate

Many of my regular readers are aware that, about a year ago, I walked away from a successful real estate career to pursue writing. I slapped a backpack on my back and headed out to travel the world for six months. I returned to Florida in early October last year and since then, have been … Read more

Staying Healthy with Natural Remedies

I cringe every time I see another commercial for a prescription drug. In the first place, I think we are over prescribed and over medicated in this country. I believe doctors rely far too much on medicines that mask symptoms, rather than trying to discover and treat the root cause of the malady. Frankly, I … Read more