Going Plastic Bag Free

“Paper or plastic?” is soon to be a question of the past at all 270 Whole Foods Markets. By Earth Day 2008 (April 22nd) plastic bags will be banned by the world’s leading retailer of natural and organic foods. The company’s decision to go plastic bag free is in keeping with their strong environmental commitment. … Read more

Stop Junk Mail Forever

When I began traveling around the world in 2007, one of the issues I had to deal with was my mail. Fortunately, my roommate was an angel; she opened all my mail and emailed me about anything that had to be attended to while I was on the road. However, when I returned home I … Read more

Improv At Its Best

This is one of the wildest things I’ve ever seen. Last month, more than 200 “agents” of New York City based Improv Everywhere converged on Grand Central Station. On the dot of 2:30 PM, the “agents” froze in place for five minutes. One man dropped a briefcase full of papers on the floor just before … Read more