Profound Thoughts

Ponder a life of traveling long term

My sister emailed this to me today and it is well worth repeating: Two friends were walking through the desert. During the journey, they had an argument and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: “Today my best … Read more

Pondering The New Technology of Invisibility

No longer the stuff of science fiction, researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully rendered three dimensional objects invisible. How does it work? Think about a smooth rock in a river. The water parts when it encounters the rock, flows around it, and then closes up … Read more

Video Answer: Why I Don’t Cruise

How safe are cruises, really. This one certainly wasn't.

How safe are cruises, really? The following are e a few reasons why I don’t take oceangoing cruises: I suffer horribly from seasickness I think I would feel trapped (I’d rather be out backpacking on some mountain or jungle trail) I would hate having to be back to the ship at a certain time, because … Read more

I Don’t Fit A Mold

Yesterday I was talking to a friend who’d recently been shopping for new bras. Because she hadn’t been professionally fitted for a number of years, she went to an upscale department store, where the saleswomen are trained to measure for the proper size and shape bra. The saleswoman told my friend that a woman’s bustline, … Read more