PHOTO: Cardiff Bay in Cardiff, Wales – From Wasteland to Tourist Mecca

Cardiff Bay in the Welsh capital city is the second most popular tourist area, after the city center

The city center of Cardiff, Wales, with its spectacular castle, may be the number one tourist destination in the Welsh capital, but Cardiff Bay runs a close second. The popular waterfront area owes its existence to abundant coal and iron deposits that were discovered in Wales during the 1700’s. Both commodities were in great demand … Read more

Discovering My Roots on Ocracoke Island, Outer Banks, North Carolina

“Don’t be such a dingbatter,” my grandmother used to say to my sisters and me. Another of her favorites was: “go to the store that’s katty-whompus from your house and get yourselves some penny candy.” We knew what she meant. We grew up with these words. A dingbatter was a silly or foolish person. Katty-whompus … Read more