In The Christmas Spirit

I arrived back on the Outer Banks yesterday evening after a 14-hour drive and fell into bed, exhausted. I awoke this morning to dazzling sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. Sitting up in bed, I stretched and gazed out at the sparkling blue water of the Albemarle Sound. I had almost forgotten how stunningly beautiful … Read more

I Am Insignificant

This planet we call Earth is no stranger to catastrophic events. Four-and-a-half billion years ago, a young Earth and a Mars-sized wandering body violently collided, leaving behind orbiting debris that coalesced to become our Moon. Sixty-five million years ago, an immense meteorite crashed into the earth, generating a cloud of dust that obscured the sun … Read more

Credit Card Security Breach


It’s been a bad week for credit cards. Last Sunday I received a phone call from CitiBank Fraud Early Warning Department, informing me that they were canceling my CitiCard MasterCard because of a “merchant compromise.” They explained that someone had hacked into a merchant’s database and stolen all their stored credit card information. When I … Read more

Eat – Er – Play Your Vegetables

vegetable orchestra

A couple of friends of mine are in the process of starting up a new company that will deliver delicious, healthy raw food lunches to customers in downtown Sarasota. Since one of these friends is my roommate, Joan, our ‘fridge is always loaded with scrumptious fresh veggies and I have the side benefit of getting … Read more