Finding Strength in Adversity

I am WAS depressed. For the last few days I have felt myself spiraling down into the depths of depression. I have no idea what sets it off. It doesn’t seem to happen for any particular reason or occur at regular intervals. I begin to question the endlessness of it all. I ask myself what … Read more

Be A Part Of Earth Hour

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I am sitting here in the wee hours of Saturday morning, March 29th, pecking away at the keyboard in hopes that everyone who reads my blog will tune in sometime during the next 17 hours. I am hoping for this because between 8 and 9 p.m. this evening, the entire world is being asked to … Read more

Living ‘Right’

Over the years, my Yoga and meditation practice has resulted in some pretty wild experiences, not the least of which was one instance when I felt the physical boundaries of my body dissolve and every molecule expand into space until I was one with all that is. For years I have also believed that humans … Read more

Weighing In On Tibet

Tibetan woman enjoys meal at International Human Rights Day Celebration at Tashiling Tibetan refugee settlement in Pokhara, Nepal

I had my next trip all planned. Until last week I was quite sure that my next long-term travel route would be Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Nepal, Tibet, Malaysia, Borneo, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. But when the Chinese again began killing Buddhist Monks and ethnic Tibetans, I started rethinking my visit to China. … Read more

Kumquats And Memories

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About a year ago, my roommate, Joan, came home from visiting her mother in Louisiana and handed me a basket of kumquats she had picked off the tree in her mother’s yard. To the uninitiated, kumquats look like tiny oranges; they average about an inch in diameter and are bright orange, with a bumpy skin … Read more