Pilobolus Defies Description

Is it art? A dance? A play? Perhaps all of the above. My roommate, Joan, emailed this video to me and it is so fascinating that I had to share it. Watch this light and shadow performance of the group known as Pilobolus:

Today I Learned That I Am Snarky

I’m continually expanding my vocabulary. It’s never too late to learn. A couple of years ago I was introduced to the phrase, “my bad,” which apparently is a sorry excuse for an apology when you’ve made a mistake or done something wrong. Today I learned that I am “snarky.” But I am getting ahead of … Read more

OK, NOW I’m Showing My Age

Now that I’m finally back in Sarasota, I treated myself to lunch at Simon’s Coffee House. It’s a bit of a drive but worth it because they have the most delicious vegetarian sandwiches, salads, wraps and paninis, not to mention an array of wheat-free desserts that are delicious! After lunch I was walking to my … Read more

Weird Lightning And Other Signs From God

There are times when I feel totally disconnected from everyone and everything. Then there are other times when I am so connected that I’d swear I’m communicating with a higher source. Yesterday evening was one of those “oh so connected” times. I was driving back to Sarasota after having spent two weeks working on my … Read more

Nancy Forrester’s Secret Garden, Key West’s Hidden Gem

Hidden at the end of narrow Freeschool Lane is the last remaining acre of undeveloped land in Key West’s historic Old Town. How this priceless parcel escaped development is nothing less than a miracle, but even more miraculous is the tropical rainforest that today grows upon the site. This is Nancy Forrester’s Secret Garden, a … Read more