How to Fix a Broken Printer? Get a Cat.

My printer is an Epson CX5000 and I want to make it clear, right here and now, that it is absolutely the WORST printer I have ever owned. In order to get it to print a color photo without gaps in the color or white stripes across the photo, I have to use custom settings … Read more

Sometimes I Feel So Totally Lost

Sometimes I just get lost. I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. This is not a new sensation for me. I’ve felt like this off and on for many years. When I was younger, these spells were much more traumatic. They would involve much gnashing of … Read more

Inventors at MIT Summit Build Low-Tech Devices for Developing Nations

Ockham’s Razor is a scientific principle that is often paraphrased as “All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.” Today this principle is often taken as a rule of thumb that advises economy or simplicity, especially in scientific theories. This summer, masons and mechanics, farmers and welders, scientists and a pastor dedicated … Read more

Little Known Tools For Google Search

Everybody knows about Google. The popular search engine is so well-known that Google has become a verb, as in “I Googled his name.” But everyone also knows that finding exactly what you are looking for on Google can sometimes be frustrating. For example, a search for ‘computers‘ will return about 575,000,000 possibly related websites. It … Read more

The Story Of Stuff

Stuff. What is it really? Where does it come from and where does it go when we are done with it? According to the experts, stuff moves through a system, from extraction, to production, to distribution, to consumption, and finally, to disposal. Altogether it’s called the “The Materials Economy“. That’s the simplistic view we’ve been … Read more