Can You Feel “The Shift?”

“The Shift” is a movie in the making that features Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Afghan Human/Women’s Rights Activist Fatima Gailini, Indian Youth Activist Anand Shah, Marianne Williamson and others. Reminiscent of earlier movies like “What the Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret,” it sets forth the following proposition: “Millions of individuals, organizations and … Read more

Is The Military Surge in Iraq Really Successful or is it Just More Political Spin?

I watched the vice-presidential debate last night. Over and over again, Palin referenced the military surge in Iraq, drilling home the its success and challenging Biden on the fact that Obama did not support the surge. I try – really I do – not to post too much about the presidential race, but this issue … Read more

Be Open To Seeing Things In A New Way

This emotionally stirring film, Story of a Sign, by Alonso Alvarez Barreda was the winner of the fourth annual online competition of the 2008 Short Film Corner at Cannes. Its powerful message urges us to look at things from a new perspective. Presented by the national Film Board of Canada, in collaboration with the Cannes … Read more