Get Back Up

A friend sent me this video yesterday and I thought it was one of the most inspirational messages I’d ever heard. On it, Nick Vujicic speaks about never giving up, no matter what kind off curve balls life throws at you. After watching, my faith was renewed that I can succeed at whatever I attempt, … Read more

What Drives Me

Ah, yes, I have been strangely silent for a few days. I have learned that when this happens I must just “let it be” and allow the process to happen. These are times of great introspection. Sometimes, the result is an epiphany. Other times, the stillness allows me to hear the answer to a question … Read more

Best New Travel News

There are a number of interesting travel news items floating around at the moment that are worth covering. This first one comes under the heading of “what took them so long.” I have always wondered who designed the seats in aircraft. The seat back curves away below the headrest, just where my neck curves inward, … Read more

There Is Beauty In These Prairies

I saw them before I heard them. On the distant horizon a line of tiny black specks appeared in the crystal blue sky. From their classic ‘V’ formation I knew they were Canada Geese. As I watched, thousands more rose from behind the distant treeline that marked the river, broke into smaller flocks, and circled … Read more