PHOTO: The Atomic Bomb Dome Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan

Atomic Bomb Dome Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan

During WWII, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, flattening almost everything within a three-kilometer radius. One of the few exceptions was this building, the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, an arts and education exhibit hall. It was the only structure left standing near the hypoenter of the blast. The building was … Read more

How to Help Japan Tsunami and Earthquake Survivors by Giving to Japanese Organizations

My friend Todd Wassel was on the ground in Japan during the earthquakes and subsequent tsunami, visiting his wife’s family. Although his family was all safe and sound, they watched the news reports in horror as the tragedy unfolded. Todd also happens to be a conflict resolution specialist for the United Nations; as such he … Read more

Japan Tsunami Hits Close to Home

I’m taking a departure from my normal travel adventures to ask for your help. We sometimes have a tendency to push tragedies out of our minds, dismissing them as having happened so far away that they really don’t impact us. We are compassionate, certainly, but we don’t really do much of anything. Today I had … Read more