Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I’m following my dream, no matter what. Somehow, some way, I’m going to make it as a writer. That’s what I keep telling myself. And most days I have a lot of faith in my talent and my ability to make my dream come true. But some days….well, let’s just say that I lose my … Read more

Randy Pausch On How To Live Life

Randy Pausch

Bob Dylan’s song, Blowin’ In The Wind, asked the question How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky? I have looked up and seen the sky in its million different moods. I have seen it without a wisp of a cloud to mar its pure cerulean blue. I have … Read more

Old Time Music

My friends Ruthie and Keith will especially enjoy the bumper sticker I saw yesterday here in Sarasota: “Paddle faster…I think I hear banjo music” Ruthie and Keith left their traditional jobs a while back and went in search of something that made them joyful (sound familiar?). They stayed tuned in to the Universe with faith … Read more