The Weird, Wonderful Critters of Tibet

At Phuntsoling Monastery, monks feed a yak, one of the strangest of Tibetan animals

One of my most indelible memories from India is of cows wandering the streets with impunity, protected by their holy status. Likewise, in Pokhara, Nepal, I was alarmed the first time I shared a sidewalk with a herd of buffalo. But humans are an adaptable species. After many visits to India and Nepal, freely wandering … Read more

There’s Still a Bit of Old China Left in Glitzy New Shanghai

Old Shanghai China

Shanghai has a scintillating skyline, a thriving economy verging on capitalism, and a nouveau-riche citizenry that dresses in the most fashionable attire and owns the latest electronic gadgets, but to a large degree it has lost its Chinese soul. Except for the thousands of Chinese who choke its streets and sidewalks, Shanghai could be a … Read more