Poetry in Strange Places

I met a poet yesterday. From our adjacent chairs at Starbucks we struck up an easy conversation and discovered we shared a passion for writing. I have the greatest admiration for poets. In order to tell you why, I must share a secret. Many years ago – many many years ago – I dabbled in … Read more

In Memoriam

Ron and Nickey Wilcox with their baby

I learned today of the death of my dear friend, Ron Wilcox. I met Ron last May as I was walking through the village of Pai in northern Thailand. I was standing at an intersection that didn’t appear on my map, puzzling as to which way to go, when he pulled up on his little … Read more

Never Keep All Your Money In One Place

I’ve learned the hard way never to keep all my money in one place when traveling, not even when I have access to an in-room safe. On more than one occasion, my room safe has failed. In each instance, I was amazed how easily hotel staff could access a master key and how simply the … Read more

What Constitutes A Life Of Value?

A few days ago I read an article about a 911 dispatcher in San Francisco who uses all her spare change to buy hats and gloves from secondhand stores. When she finishes her shift at midnight, she drives around the Tenderloin district and hands out the hats and gloves to the homeless. Today I learned … Read more