Mighty Winds Make Me Restless

A cold front descended upon Sarasota yesterday, bringing with it strong winds that whipped up waves in the Bay and bowed the palm trees. For some reason, these winds made me restless. I’ve been working hard on several writing projects all week long and had promised myself that I’d take the weekend off and do … Read more

Fine Feathered Friends

There’s a birdbath on my bedroom deck but I never remember to fill it with water, so it sits there like some long abandoned cast iron sundial, ignored by the neighborhood birds. Over the last couple of days, however, the rain has done my job for me. This morning I woke to the sounds of … Read more

Fascinating Snapshot Of Emerging Travel Trends

Today I had the privilege of attending a lecture at the University of South Florida’s School of Restaurant and Hotel Management. The featured speaker, Chairman and CEO of YPartnership, Dr. Peter Yesawich, is widely considered to be the preeminent source of insight into the evolving travel habits, preferences, and intentions of Americans. In addition to … Read more

Canine Albert Einstein

“How much is two times three?” I ask. The little dog sitting on the cane-back chair outside Sarasota News and Books taps her right paw six times. Meet Maggie the Wonder Dog, a seven year old Jack Russell Terrier who is so smart that she’s appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, as well … Read more