Funny Adult-Proof Packaging Video

So. I feel vindicated. I thought it was me. Or – perish the thought – my age. It is true that I find it virtually impossible to open a child-proof cap these days. Fortunately, I take no medicines. As for the aspirin bottle, which I must access once in a blue moon, well I cheat; … Read more

A Partial Solution To Our Financial Crisis

This may be the most important post I have ever written. Even though I was a real estate agent during the times when lenders were making sub-prime loans and the real estate market was out of control, I readily admit that I do not fully understand what is causing our nation’s financial crisis. And until … Read more

Dick Hoyt, a True American Hero

I’ve been writing a lot lately about how we seem to have lost our way in this country; about how we value material possessions over family, friends, and belief in a higher power of our choosing. Today I was reminded that there are people who have never lost sight of what is most important in … Read more