PHOTO: Sun Sets Over Piazza dei Signori in Vicenza, Italy

Piazza dei Signori in Vicenza Italy

Midway between the cities of Venice and Verona in northern Italy, lies a third “V” – the tiny town of Vicenza. Though smaller and lesser known that its more famous neighbors, Vicenza nonetheless packs a punch in terms of history, culture, and especially architecture. In 1994, Vicenza was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site due … Read more

Munich, Germany: So Much More than Oktoberfest

Munchner men on the way to a local festival wear traditional Lederhosen garb

When discussing what to do in Munich, Germany, many travel writers wax lyrical about Oktoberfest. Ah, the beer! The sing-alongs! The pretzels, bratwurst, and schnitzel! But the festival also has its drawbacks. More than 6 million visitors descend upon the city every year beginning on the third Saturday of September. If, like me, you’re no … Read more

PHOTO: A Sobering Visit to Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich, Germany

Entrance gate at Dachau Concentration Camp features the famous Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Makes You Free) slogan

We humans are fascinated by disasters. We find it impossible to look away from a car wreck. When a disaster of enormous consequence occurs, our first impulse is to tell someone. Cable news stations are acutely aware of this tendency; they capitalize upon it with round-the-clock coverage of hurricanes, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks. For … Read more