PHOTO: Sun Sets Over Piazza dei Signori in Vicenza, Italy

Piazza dei Signori in Vicenza Italy

Midway between the cities of Venice and Verona in northern Italy, lies a third “V” – the tiny town of Vicenza. Though smaller and lesser known that its more famous neighbors, Vicenza nonetheless packs a punch in terms of history, culture, and especially architecture. In 1994, Vicenza was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site due … Read more

PHOTO: Arch of Peace in Milan, Italy, Ridicules Napoleon Bonaparte’s France

The Arch of Peace in Milan, Italy, was ordered built by Napoleon after he conquered northern Italy in 1805.

On March 17, 1805, Napoleon Bonaparte’s armies conquered northern Italy. Two months later, Napoleon had himself crowned at the Duomo di Milano, taking the title “Emperor of the French and King of Italy.” To commemorate his victory, Napoleon ordered a grand Arco delle Vittorie (Arch of Victory) to be built at the point on the … Read more