WiFox App Provides WiFi Passwords for Airports Around the World

Have you ever been stuck with a long layover in an airport and been forced to pay for wifi access? Even worse are the schemes that tease you with 30 minutes of free wifi access and then rudely shut you off. If, like me, you believe that wifi should be a right rather than a privilege, you’ll be delighted to know about the new WiFox app for your smart phone. WiFox provides wifi passwords for more than 70 airports and airport lounges around the world, providing you with unlimited free wifi access.

Screens showing the available wifi networks in airports around the world, as they appear on the WiFox app
Screens showing the available wifi networks in airports around the world, as they appear on the WiFox app

The above photo shows the various screens in the app. In map view, you can tap any wifi icon where wireless information is available. Simply use the button to copy the password to the clipboard and paste into the airport network’s login screen. The map is available offline, so you don’t need an internet connection to use WiFox app when traveling.

The app is brand new and works through “crowdsourcing,” which means passwords are supplied by travelers and pilots as they discover them. Those passwords are then verified by the developer before being added to the map. As a user, you too will be able to add new passwords to WiFox. That means the list of passwords and airports, which is somewhat limited at the moment, will continue to grow over time. Users can also rate the wireless hotspot to let the developer know whether or not the connection worked. Learn more about the iOS app on the iTunes page for WiFox and the Android app on the Google Play page for WiFox.

24 thoughts on “WiFox App Provides WiFi Passwords for Airports Around the World”

  1. There are other apps that provide this and so much more. Like FLIO. It has wifi access, but a brilliant amount of other useful and fun information too. And, it’s free.

  2. Looks like we have a mutual interest in travel – and friends! Mariellen is a lovely woman I had the chance to get to know a few years ago when I was judging a Canadian blog contest.

    Back to the app though: I’ve just returned from Japan where I had to send back pocket wifi before leaving for Haneda Airport. This app would’ve been brilliant to have access to. I do a fair amount of travelling to the US where airport wifi is spotty at best. Enter me please for the iOS version ?

    • Hi Ariana: Mariellen is indeed a lovely woman. We know one another virtually and have even spoken on the phone, but have not yet met in person. One of these days…. Good luck with the WiFox drawing!

  3. Just learned about this new app and am so excited! It would be SO handy and comforting to have this traveling companion with me in any airport!! I have an iOS phone. Thank you Barbara for this opportunity! 🙂

  4. Thanx once again for another excellent lesson in travel fitness, Barbara. An Android version for me, please, should I be one of the lucky ones.

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