Midcoast Maine – From The Jewel Of Camden To The Sophistication Of Kennebunkport

For my final day in Maine I chose to wander south on US Rt. 1 along the coast, sampling the various towns from Penobscot Bay to the New Hampshire state line. I started in Camden, which one local resident described as “the jewel in Midcoast Maine’s crown.” It is a lovely village, with the requisite picturesque church steeples, sailboats, and a waterfall that cascades down a rock outcropping in the center of town before emptying into the harbor. Its streets are lined with perfectly manicured shops and brick-laid sidewalks lead to alleys and nooks with more shops and restaurants.

Camden Maine
Lovely little harbor in Camden, Maine
Camden Maine
Downtown Camden, Maine
Camden Maine
Fall colors aroud the harbor
Camden Maine
Waterfall cascades from the hillside aove downtown to the harbor

It was a scene I saw repeated numerous times throughout the day and, frankly, all the towns began to look and feel alike. Camden may be the crown jewel, but it simply cannot compete with the beauty I saw in Acadia National Park, and so the charming coastal towns of Maine were not as much of an attraction as might be expected.

Souothpor Maine
Boats in the yard at Boothbay Harbor
West Boothbay Harbor Maine
Fall colors in West Boothbay Harbor

There were, however, a few standouts. On several occasions I swung off Rt. 1 and wandered into the backwaters, where tourism has has less of an impact. Here I found the smaller communities of the Boothbay Harbor region, all of which are still traditional fishing villages.

Freeport Maine outlet stores LL Bean
Headquarters of LL Bean in Rockport, Maine

The town of Rockport, located a short distance from the coast, is unique for its downtown of historic red-brick buildings, and Freeport is famous for its outlet stores, most especially LL Bean, which originated here.

Kennebunkport Maine
Kennebunkport, Maine
Kennebunkport Maine
Glitzy stores in Kennebunkport, Maine
Kennebunkport Maine
Downtown Kennebunkport, Maine

My final stop was at Kennebunkport, perhaps best known as the town where President George Bush (the elder) has a summer home. I was told where to find his home and drove out to the ocean to see if I could spot it, but the oceanfront was crowded with one enormous mansion after another and I didn’t see one that has a sign proclaiming it as the home of a president. The town itself is ritzy and glitzy, as befits its reputation as a place of splendor and wealth, but again, it didn’t much interest me; I am much more drawn to natural beauty than artificial attractions like shopping.

Goodbye, for now Maine. I will definitely be back. You are too beautiful to leave forever.


3 thoughts on “Midcoast Maine – From The Jewel Of Camden To The Sophistication Of Kennebunkport”

  1. Our family visited Maine in May 2010. We traveled from Wells up to Bangor and Booth Bay. The trip was very enjoyable !! I had wanted to visit Maine for a while and we made it! This was after i was undergoing Chemo treatment for cancer,of which I am 6 years free of cancer. This was memorable trip for my wife and I,add her sister and her husband! We hope to return to see more of the beautiful State of Maine in the future ! !

    • What a touching story, Jack. I am so glad you beat the “Big C” and hope you make it back to Mains sometime soon.

  2. Pingback: Lawyer in West Boothbay Harbor offering legal service to those suffering from asbestos cancer

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