What Kiwis Really Think Of Mr. Bush

If you’re at all curious what New Zealanders think of American politics, take a look at this President Bush billboard, which spans a railroad viaduct over a major highway in Auckland:

What New Zealanders really think of President Bush
What New Zealanders really think of President Bush

If you’re having trouble reading it, the captions on the photos are as follows:
HISTORY (Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston)

SPORT (A blindfolded guy in a red shirt standing in front of a bull)

DRAMA (Two soccer players rolling on the ground trying to kill one another)

FOOD (A Polar Bear standing over a bleeding carcass)

and last but not least

COMEDY (A photo of George Bush at the microphone, sporting his normal buffoon expression)

1 thought on “What Kiwis Really Think Of Mr. Bush”

  1. I love it. My kind of place. Although I cried to leave beautiful Thailand, I am happy to be home for a bit. I moved your car and checked your mail. All is well here. Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do and are.


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