St. Christopher’s Inns, a Great Place to Stay in Barcelona, Spain

Common area by day, Belushi's Bar by night

The smiling faces behind the front desk at St Christopher’s Inns hostel in Barcelona, Spain were a welcome sight after my bad experience with Equity Point Hostels the previous week. Their warm greeting was quickly followed up with an efficient check-in process and instructions for finding my females-only dorm room. My first big surprise was … Read more

Flamenco, the Soul of Seville, Spain

Real Alcazar, the palace where Spanish monarchs stay when visiting Seville Spain

Slim-hipped Oscar de los Reyes emerged from the shadows and took his mark within the circle of light on the small wooden stage. Clad entirely in black, the world renowned Flamenco dancer stood ramrod straight, arms held rigidly at his sides. His black eyes glittered, reflecting sparks from the single spotlight as he stared, unseeing, into the silent, expectant audience. Oscar de los Reyes’ body was a mere ten feet away but his eyes were focused inward, drawing power and inspiration from some higher power.