On a recent trip from Illinois to the Outer Banks of North Carolina I scrutinized the map, looking for the best route. There is no direct way to make this drive but with the help of Google Maps I found a new route that took me through Indianapolis, around Dayton, Ohio, and southeast on US Rt.35 into West Virginia.

Just over the Ohio border I pulled into the little town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It was around 10 PM so I couldn’t really see much, but it was obvious that the three block long downtown was lined with adorably restored older buildings that had been converted to cute shops. In the very middle of Main Street stood the Lowe Hotel – the only hotel in town. I got a room for the night and was pleasantly surprised to find my room decorated in antiques and outfitted with a queen-size poster bed. It didn’t take me long to climb beneath the fluffy quilt, prop myself up with two down pillows, and get to work on the computer. And that’s when the noises started.
At first they were small creaking noises and I paid them little mind – all old buildings make noises. Then just before turning off the light there was a noise so loud that it startled me. It sounded like a very large, dry tree branch being snapped in two and it seemed to come from the television, which I hadn’t turned on. But again I dismissed it as a settling noise from an old building and drifted off to sleep. In the morning I was standing under a stream of hot water when suddenly, an icy cold draft came over the top of the shower door and hit me in the head. ‘Where on earth is that coming from,’ I thought. I looked up at the ceiling, searching for air vents but there were none to be found. Then I thought, ‘Maybe someone has come into my room while I’m in the shower, and the opening of the door caused the breeze.’ I stepped out of the shower stall and glanced around at the door but it was still shut and chained from the inside. It was then I realized there were no air vents at all in my room. The heat was generated by steam radiator and the air conditioning was from a window unit, which I had never turned on. ‘Very peculiar,’ I thought, but again I dismissed it and went back to showering.
Soon afterward I was downstairs in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for a large cup of coffee that the owners were brewing for me. Looking for something to do while I waited, I began reading a newspaper article from the Boston Globe that had been framed and hung on the wall next to the front desk. The article featured the haunted Lowe Hotel and the famous sightings of a ten-foot tall humanoid figure with giant wings, claws, and burning red eyes that occurred in Point Pleasant in the late 1960’s. If this sounds familiar it’s probably because in 2001 Richard Gere starred in a movie that documented the events of that time, The Mothman Prophecies. But this was all news to me – I had never before heard of Point Pleasant, the Lowe Hotel, or Mothman. Most startling to me was a paragraph in the article that described the three most common paranormal experiences at the hotel: loud noises, icy cold drafts of air, and cigarette smoke appearing in the air when there are no smokers present. Hmmmmm. More investigation was definitely needed, so I decided to stay an extra night and set out to explore the town.
Point Pleasant is a delightful town, located at the confluence of the Kanawhe and Ohio Rivers. I spent a good portion of the day walking the footpath along the mighty Ohio River, where hundreds of butterflies fluttered among dense thickets of wildflowers on the riverbank. On the other side of the trail, the massive concrete flood wall that separated the river from the town was covered in painted murals that depict the history of the area. Where the flood wall ended I cut over into town and walked back up Main Street, stopping at the Mothman Museum.
The two young men working at this museum had widely divergent views as to the validity of the hundreds of UFO sightings and other strange phenomena that have been reported by the locals over the years. Jeremy Pitchford, the older of the two, has been around longer, seen more, and is a believer. “I used to work at The Workingman’s Store across the street,” he told me. “Strange things were always happening. There was a bell attached to the front door and sometimes it would ring as if someone had just entered, but there would be no one in the store. Other times I would hear the sounds of someone looking through the racks of clothes when there was no one in the store. I’ve even seen wisps of cigarette smoke appear next to my head when there was no one else in the store.”
The younger of the two museum employees, John Matheny, says he’s not necessarily a believer but he does admit that something strange is going on in the town. From Jeremy and John I learned that the Mothman sightings occurred in an area about 15 minutes north of town that has been nicknamed the “TNT area” by the locals – a reference to the hundred or more giant concrete igloos that were erected by the US government during World War II and covertly used to manufacture explosives, munitions, and chemicals. After the war the site was abandoned and the toxic waste that remained slowly leached out into the surrounding ponds. Today this area is still one of the nation’s worst Superfund sites and some townsfolk theorize that Mothman is a mutant that was spawned in the local chemical and weapons dumps.
Jeremy suggested a visit to the Point Where The Rivers Meet Coffee Shop, where I could not only get the world’s best cup of coffee (yes it was!) but could also talk to owners Bob and Kitty Landrum, who are experts on the UFOlogy of the area. The wall behind the cash register is plastered with photos taken by Bob as well as by visitors who have sent their photos to Bob after he directed them to the bunkers in the TNT area. Unexplained orbs show up in these photos – perfectly round, semi-transparent white globes that seem to float in the air. The orbs are not visible to the naked eye but they appear in photos – I myself had one show up in a photo I took at Milla Milla Falls in Australia. Bob showed me a series of photos where he had enlarged an orb by a magnification of two each time, printing each version of the enlarged photo from his computer. As the orb gets larger, a distinct face shows up inside the orb. It was freaky. He told me about spaceship sightings, giant bird sightings, Men In Black visitations, and blue entity sightings. Although the phenomena persist to this day, the bulk of the sightings occurred in the thirteen months between the first appearance of Mothman on November 15, 1966 and what is known as the Silver Bridge disaster on December 15, 1967, when the Silver Suspension Bridge collapsed into the Ohio River, plunging 46 people to their deaths. After the bridge fell, the sightings dwindled and neither Mothman nor the Men In Black were ever again seen in Point Pleasant, leading some to speculate that the creature was a messenger of impending disaster. Whatever Mothman was or is, he is immortalized forever in an eerie ten foot high statue that the town has erected in the center of downtown, complete with blood-red eyes and six inch claws.
Later that evening I headed back to the Lowe Hotel. Although not totally convinced that the hotel was haunted, I believed something was going on there. I considered the possibility that my experiences had been nothing more than imagination but I could not explain that the noises and cold draft happened to me BEFORE I knew about the history of these types of occurrences at the hotel. Plus, there was no mistaking the fact that the cold draft was SO icy that it made me step out of the shower to investigate – that wasn’t just imagination.
I figured that nothing more would happen now that I knew the history of the place and it seemed I was right – I worked on the computer with no strange noises or cold drafts until I finally hit the sack at 2 AM, instantly falling into a deep sleep. Until 6:10 AM. That’s when I was awoken by the short, shrill beep of the smoke detector in my room. I immediately knew what the sound was because my Mom and Dad had a smoke detector in the kitchen that used to go off whenever they fried up bacon, so I just lay in bed and waited to see if it would happen again. Sure enough, it beeped every 60 seconds for the next 20 minutes. Not only was I being kept awake but I was sure the noise was waking up guests in adjacent rooms so I climbed up on a chair, intending to take the detector off the wall and remove the battery. To my surprise, it was hard wired, with no place for a backup battery. I went downstairs to see if anyone was at the front desk but there was no one around so I decided to just tolerate the noise and read for a while. Strangely, by the time I returned to the room the smoke detector had stopped beeping – almost as if it was mocking me: “So, you don’t believe, huh? Well, we’ll just see about that.”
Frankly, I don’t know what to think. But I do know that I thoroughly enjoyed this “alternative route” between Illinois and North Carolina. I do SO love an adventure.
This article is part of the Lonely Planet Blogsherpa Travel Blog Carnival, where this week’s topic is “Scary Stories.” If you wish to read about more scary experiences that Blogsherpas have had around the world, cruise on over to Hello, Pineapple?, the travel blog of Joe Tuck, who is hosting this week’s carnival.
Yep I believe you, I stayed in an old converted mill in Canada now a hotel and heard knocking a few times one night w no one there and a strange loud grating noise , when asked if haunted next day, that’s what I was told people heard, places are haunted!
LOL – glad I’m not the only one Lisa!
As a life long native of Mason County I highly recommend people to stop by and visit our little town it’s a beautiful place it’s small with lots of mom and pop shops and lots of history happened here I don’t believe Mothman is a real thing but it’s been a positive story for our little town brings in lots of tourist for the Mothman Festival but I’ve always heard strange things go down at the Lowe Motel but please come see our beautiful town
I couldn’t agree more, Jason. It’s a lovely, friendly little town, and the Mothman legend just makes it even more intriguing.
My grandparents and then my father owned the Lowe Hotel until 1991. It was a classic, though tired, hotel from any era. I despair when I go in there now because of all the junky kitsch scattered everywhere. My other grandparents owned a farm about a mile from the TNT area. I knew that Mothman stuff was nonsense when I was six.
My family has been Mason County residents since the original settlement. This Mothman garbarge is just that garbage. Two teenage couples saw a large bird(crane or heron) one night in the TNT area- acres & acres of ponds, abandoned TNT bunkers, gravel roads, no lights, no farms, no houses. I have driven thru TNT many times at night & it is little a little creepy. But, again all the talk about the Mothman is undocumented garbage.
Point Pleasant has such a wonderful history- it’s own early Revolutionary War battle; early settlers-Daniel Boone, Mad Ann Bailey, Cornstalk, etc.; a important river town in the 1800’s.
Hi Claracamille: I can’t really give an opinion on Mothman, as I don’t have any personal experience with it. I did talk to locals, who insisted the legend was true, however most of them had a financial stake in keeping the legend alive (stores selling Mothman merchandise, etc.) However, you are so right about the history of the town, which I found to be fascinating.
Don’t forget Andrew Lewis. In 1910 Congress officially declared Point Pleasant was the first battle of The Revolutionary War. I hope to make a trip up there some day. Andrew Lewis is pretty popular here in Roanoke, Va.
Alot of those TNT bunkers are still filled with explosives. If you could open them up.
I’m not from W.Va in from Va in 73 now I’ve seen some strange things.So who to say its not true things I’ve seen the very fact whos going to believe u
Your writing style says a lot about who you are and in my opinion I’d have to say you’re insightful. This article reflects many of my own thoughts on this subject. You are truly unique.
We are set to stay there as well on a trip to Chicago from North Carolina. I will let you know how our stay went!
Oooh! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you have an otherworldly experience, Vnc!
After reading about your experience i am just dieing to see this place. I would definitely got all experience from this place that you have enjoy. I would be there very soon.
What an eerie experience. I wanted desperately have an experience like that and stayed in many such places. No luck. I guess someone is afraid of me 😉
What was really weird is that I had no idea about the history and had that experience. Been back twice since, and now that I know about it, nothing!
haha wow yal dont know nothin bout this shithole town it aint as great as u think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My boyfriend is from Point Pleasant and I had never been so last night we drove up and decided to get a room, Super 8, Holiday Inn, and the Hampton in Galipollis wouldnt take Cash! so his bother proposed we stay at the Lowe! I ADORED IT.. its older features and it’s unique story <3 worderful and full of mystery
It is a wonderful place Rachell – I am so glad you decided to try it out. I
take it you had no cold drafts or weird noises!
I have to say that all these kinds of stories about ghosts just run past me without stopping – but I like the period features of the Lowe hotel very much – it looks so open and airy with that special look to the architecture that reminds me of one or two places I have seen in Washington D.C.
Hi David: If you ever get a chance, do stop at the Lowe. Iy’s a rteally cute
little town with even nicer people and the Lowe is a fascinating piece of
Haa, very nice!
Charleston is the best! 😉
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i really never thinking for that point. but also i’m a really newbie about that.
Another great blog with very nice photo’s. West Virginia has to be one beautiful place. All the best.
wow, great news
Virginia is a great place. When you get a chance head up to Richmond. There’s a lot of great historical buildings. Also I had the best soul food ever there.
WEST Virginia is its own state. Nowhere near Richmond!!!
A great resource on Point Pleasant and strange goings on. I found it really thorough.
My friend and i stayed at the Lowes and yea it has some crazy stuff going on there. We saw and heard things and i can honestly say that i have never believed in ghosts until i spent then night there.
I actually saw that movie!! Kind of stupid but scary but it had Richard Gere in it so it wasn’t all bad.
Hey Aunt Barb!
My friend was telling me about the Mothman the other day and it scared the crap outta me!
What a coincidence
I thought I would just check out your sight before I started anything new.I was surprised to see you had written about your stay in Point Pleasant and was very pleased that you ejoyed it. Your photos were great except one. I would like to copy and put it on our board if that is ok with you? I think your shot of the Lowes is great and would make a wonderful Post Card. Oh and by the way the Silver Bridge collapsed into the Ohio River.
Safe traveling wherever you may land and hope to see you again
Dear Barbara:
So, you are here again. Well, almost here. How long are you staying at the OBX? I thought you’d be heading for Florida after Illinois, but you surprised us again. Of course, you’ll be seeing people who dilligently read your blog and wrote to you and we don’t fall into that category. Maybe I can sneak to KDH to see you, if that is possible and if there is time.
I will ask for forgiveness in person when I see you.
Love, Angie R.