The World Is Watching

By now, most everyone in America knows that Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses with a whopping 38% of the vote. What many Americans may not realize is the extent to which the world community is watching…and hoping. Most of my readers know that a year ago I decided to quit my job and travel … Read more

Sometimes The USA Drives Me Crazy

Elysian Fields in Sarasota

I love my country but sometimes it drives me crazy….for instance my experience this afternoon at the well-known Sarasota book and gift store, Elysian Fields. I’d been to this store before and liked it, so, having just returned to Sarasota and being in the neighborhood, I stopped in to see what was gong on. They … Read more

Somewhere In Kentucky

RTW travel. Photo courtesy of Boots 'n All.

Take heart, all ye devoted fans who have written that you are in withdrawal because you no longer have my blog to read over morning coffee. I have not left for good – I only took a short break. While I absolutely loved writing about my travels and sharing my photography with you, it was … Read more