The Yin And Yang Of Life

Ancient Chinese philosophy teaches that forces seemingly in opposition to one another are inextricably bound together. The Chinese refer to this concept as the Yin and Yang of life, which is represented by the black and white circular graphic shown below. In simplified terms, Yin and Yang teaches that there is value in opposites. Without … Read more

The Little Rain Man In Each Of Us

Who among us doesn’t remember the scene in Rain Man where Dustin Hoffman glances at the box of toothpicks that has been spilled and calmly informs his brother that two toothpicks are missing. The film was loosely based upon the true life story of Kim Peek, a Savant who lives in Salt Lake City. When … Read more

The Hidden Messages in Water

Some years ago, Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water revealed changes when specific thoughts were directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that had been exposed to loving words formed brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake crystals. Alternatively, water from polluted sources or that had … Read more

I’m Just One Person; What Can I Do?

“I’m just one person; what can I do?” It’s a fairly common lament. We are often quick to assume that our individual efforts are not powerful enough to have an impact. The next time you think this, consider the case of Alexandra “Alex” Scott. Alex was born in 1996 and by the age of one … Read more

Can You Feel “The Shift?”

“The Shift” is a movie in the making that features Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Afghan Human/Women’s Rights Activist Fatima Gailini, Indian Youth Activist Anand Shah, Marianne Williamson and others. Reminiscent of earlier movies like “What the Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret,” it sets forth the following proposition: “Millions of individuals, organizations and … Read more