Living ‘Right’

Over the years, my Yoga and meditation practice has resulted in some pretty wild experiences, not the least of which was one instance when I felt the physical boundaries of my body dissolve and every molecule expand into space until I was one with all that is. For years I have also believed that humans … Read more

What Constitutes A Life Of Value?

A few days ago I read an article about a 911 dispatcher in San Francisco who uses all her spare change to buy hats and gloves from secondhand stores. When she finishes her shift at midnight, she drives around the Tenderloin district and hands out the hats and gloves to the homeless. Today I learned … Read more

What We All Want In Life Is A Shot

Occasionally I write about my desire for a kinder, gentler world; one where unconditional love and acceptance is the norm rather than the exception. On a daily basis, I try to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. Something as simple as a smile can change a stranger’s day. When I … Read more

Too Much Time On My Hands?

My Dad says I have too much time on my hands. I regularly send him emails with links to interesting articles found on the Internet. My latest email contained a link to, an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED started out as an effort to bring together people from those three worlds. Since … Read more