We’re Less Likely To Want To Kill Each Other When We Know One Another

Back in the late-80’s, just as the cold war was coming to an end, my Rotary Club participated in a program called “Soviets Meet Middle America,” sponsored by the Center for US-USSR Initiatives and the Soviet Peace Committee. The mission of the program was to bring American and Soviet citizens together “around the kitchen table” … Read more

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along Like Papillon and Finnegan the Squirrel

In the face of all the strife and hatred around the world, perhaps we should look to the animals for answers about how to live. Debbie Canton, who lives near Seattle, Washington, has often been called upon by friends to rescue animals. Her latest efforts involve a baby squirrel that neighbors found at the base … Read more

Cory Booker’s Plan To Rescue Newark Has Tremendous Implications For Our Country

Cory Booker photo courtesy of www.bet.com

“I’m an American. That comes with an obligation. People are fighting to become citizens of the United States of America, willing to do whatever it takes, but we’re taking for granted what that legacy means.” So says Cory A. Booker, the 38-year old Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. The city is perhaps most famous for … Read more

Finding Strength in Adversity

I am WAS depressed. For the last few days I have felt myself spiraling down into the depths of depression. I have no idea what sets it off. It doesn’t seem to happen for any particular reason or occur at regular intervals. I begin to question the endlessness of it all. I ask myself what … Read more