Three Words to Describe: Vietnam, Bali, Cambodia, Thailand, and New Zealand

When I began this trip I decided I would select three words that best described each country I visited. Initially I was going to wait until the end of the trip and compile them all into one post, but I have decided to do this immediately upon departing each country, as the reasons for selecting … Read more

A Bit About Balinese Culture

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Bali

The Balinese don’t celebrate wedding anniversaries. They don’t celebrate birthdays much, either. What they do celebrate is their religion. Hinduism is the center of their everyday lives, which are steeped in religious ceremony and tradition. Towns prepare for temple festivals by weaving intricate designs of young palm fronds onto long bamboo poles, which are then … Read more

I Want To Be Your Very Good Friend

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Bali

With every step I take along the road in this sleepy village of Amed, Bali, someone tries to lure me into a conversation. “Miss, you come in, I give you free drink.” “Hello, where you stay? Come sit, try free drink.” So far they have all been sitting under open-air, thatch-top pavilions that serve as … Read more

Scratch What I Said Yesterday

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Bali

The knock came gently to my door promptly at 5:30 AM. “Hello, miss, you up?” I couldn’t help but laugh – and be glad I was already awake and downstairs in the bathroom. Otherwise, I never would have heard, much less wake up to this gentlest of knocks. My guide also laughed when I told … Read more