How Did They DO That?

Fantastic Machine

I received both of the following videos by email and they are just too good not to share. The first is a commercial for the Honda Accord that aired in the U.K. There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film. Everything you see happened in real time, exactly as you see it. … Read more

Another Fish Out Of Water

All this time I thought I was the only “Kook” in my family. Then my niece, Kelly, sent me this photo of her bedroom wall (probably a bad description, since you can’t see the wall for the photos). In case you can’t make it out, her bedroom wall, which is located in north central Illinois, … Read more

An Insider’s View Of Opera

One of the first things I’m going to do when I get home from Key West is go to the Opera. I’ve made the acquaintance of a couple of the musicians who play for the Sarasota Opera every year. I met them because my house-mate, Joan, is away for two months visiting her mother in … Read more