How Do You Define COLD?

It is freezing cold in Illinois! In the dictionary, next to the word cold, there is a picture of Illinois. At the moment, it’s 14 degrees, with winds gusting to 60 mile per hour, making the wind chill temp well below zero. Brrrr. I actually went outside in this because Dad and I had to … Read more

Random Acts Of Kindness

Ask anyone if they think Christmas has become too commercial and they will most likely answer with an unequivocal “YES!” Stores bring out the Christmas decorations earlier every year. Kids’ wish lists get longer and pricier. Parents go deeper into debt each year. Christmas morning dawns to frenzied ripping of gift wrapping, with the contents … Read more

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I’m following my dream, no matter what. Somehow, some way, I’m going to make it as a writer. That’s what I keep telling myself. And most days I have a lot of faith in my talent and my ability to make my dream come true. But some days….well, let’s just say that I lose my … Read more