Chain Of Kindness

Last month in Pompano Beach, Florida, an amazing chain of kindness occurred at the drive through window of the local Starbucks. It started when one man, Arthur Rosenfeld, paid for the coffee of the person in line behind him. Why did he do it? Because the guy was honking and yelling at him. Rosenfeld, a … Read more

Sarasota Bike Week

It’s Bike Week here in Sarasota and between the motorcycles, the beer tents, and the rock bands, the noise level in downtown is deafening. The bikes are pretty interesting, though. Main Street has been blocked off to traffic and there are hundreds of bikes displayed along the curbs and down the middle of the street. … Read more

The World Is Watching

By now, most everyone in America knows that Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses with a whopping 38% of the vote. What many Americans may not realize is the extent to which the world community is watching…and hoping. Most of my readers know that a year ago I decided to quit my job and travel … Read more

Back In Sarasota; Need Sunshine

It’s good to be home but would somebody please tell the weather gods that this is the South??? I came back to cold weather in Sarasota last night – it was only 28 degrees then and the high today was 55. Ridiculous! Thought I left this all behind me in North Carolina and Illinois.

Fishy Business

On New Years Day, my friends Patti and Tom treated me to a visit to the Georgia Aquarium in downtown Atlanta. This aquarium, which is the world’s largest, has brought more than six million people downtown since its opening in 2005. Built on what had been a long-empty parcel of land in a neglected end … Read more