Sleeping Is Not The Problem

You know how so many people have trouble sleeping? Well, that’s not my problem. For me, the problem is GETTING to sleep. I can be sitting in the recliner, watching TV, my eyes so heavy I can barely keep them open, but the moment my head hits the pillow – Boinggg! – my eyes are … Read more

Mom’s William Tell Overture

My sister, Linda, sent me a link to the video “Mom’s William Tell Overture” today. Since Linda and I are separated by only two and a half years, we have many of the same memories of growing up, so I’m sure she related to the video as strongly as I did. But I’m willing to … Read more

Solving The Zimbabwe Crisis, One Person At A Time

Three weeks ago, the East African country of Zimbabwe held a Presidential election. By all accounts, incumbent President Robert Mugabe was soundly defeated, however his administration has so far refused to release the official results of the election. Instead, Mugabe’s corrupt government has unleashed a brutal campaign to retain power. The opposition says that ten … Read more

You Buy Bottled Water WHY?

When I moved to Florida a number of people warned me against drinking the tap water. Their mantra was, “Drink only bottled water!” One friend pointed out that because Florida is one of the country’s largest agricultural states, the aquifer was almost certainly contaminated with runoff pesticides. I have mixed feelings about bottled water. First, … Read more – Best Blog Directory Ever

If you’re like me (read “computer attached at the hip”) you not only use the computer for work and research, you also use it for entertainment. One of my favorite pastimes is reading other people’s blogs. Several are written by friends; I love being able to check in at any time and see what is … Read more