Free Hugs

Juan Mann is proof positive that one man (Mann?) can make a difference. I just love his video, called “Free Hugs.” It’s short, but carries a powerful message. Take just a couple of minutes to watch it. It will make your day.

The Coffee Is Brewing And So Is The Battle

It seems everyone wants a share of the gourmet coffee market these days. Dunkin’ Donuts, which has for years dominated the blue-collar coffee market, is planning to open 15,000 new stores by 2016 in an effort to attract the more upscale, white-collar market of Starbucks. Starting this year, all 14,000 of the McDonalds in the … Read more

Geocaching – A Modern Day Treasure Hunt

I thought I knew everything about the Outer Banks. Every nook, every cranny, every activity that goes on. But this afternoon, I found out differently. There’s something unusual going on right under our noses, and only those who have been initiated into the new craze of geocaching are aware of it. My friend, G.W. Meadows, … Read more