The Benefits Of Failure

If I could do my life over I wouldn’t change a single thing. Not the painful elementary school years when I was the butt of ‘four-eyes’ and ‘fattie’ jokes. Not the two car accidents. Not the two divorces. Not my experience with chronic Lyme Disease. Not even my struggles with addiction. Although it may sound … Read more

Biggest Alaskan Anti-Palin Rally Ever?

I received an email from a friend today. She was forwarding an email she had received from a woman I don’t know. Apparently, the information contained in the email was originally written by a resident of Anchorage who attended the “Welcome Home’ rally held for Sarah Palin this past Saturday, September 13th, as well as … Read more

A Most Creative Use For Dust

One of the things I discovered about myself as I traveled around the world last year is that I really like art. All kinds of art. I can spend an entire day in an art museum and have only seen a small portion of what it has to offer. I am especially intrigued by artists … Read more

Finding Friends And Good Writers

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they write. The good writers are wide open. They don’t pull any punches. They’re honest about their feelings – sometimes to the point of being raw. They’re not afraid to integrate their lives, their feelings, and their experiences into what they write. I am … Read more