Some Mind-Blowing Statistics From 1908

Night satellite image of the US, showing the dark area of Adirondack Park. Image courtesy of NASA/GSFC/Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon

My Aunt Laura sent this to my Dad, who forwarded it to me, so by now it’s probably traveling around Cyberspace at the speed of light, but I found it so fascinating that I just had to copy and paste it. Here are some statistics for the Year 1908: *********************************** The average life expectancy was … Read more

Tipping Is A Privilege, Not A Right

Last week i was standing in line at the coffee shop, waiting for the woman in front of me to pay. She signed her credit card slip, slid it across the counter to the cashier, and turned to walk away. The surly young cashier called after her: “Thanks for taking care of us.” Astonished, the … Read more

An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living

Ponder a life of traveling long term

Master Taisen Deshimaru said: “To think is to choose to observe and comprehend, even if one is disturbed by oneself or others. Ultimately, to think means to understand, to understand primordial matter, the first thing in history.“ Master Ok-Sung An-Baron said: “Between he who has conquered a hundred thousand men in battle and he who … Read more

Radical Carved Halloween Pumpkins

With Halloween fast approaching, I decided to search the Internet for pumpkin carving ideas. I discovered some really spectacular designs, which I’ve shown below. If you click on the individual photos, you will be taken to the website of the photographers who took the shots, which in many cases, contain additional pumpkin caving designs. Either … Read more