PHOTO: Ruins of the Ancient City of Salamis on the Island of Cyprus

Stately Corinthian columns still stand among the ruins of the ancient city-state of Salamis in Cyprus

On the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, these Corinthian columns mark the site of the ancient city-state of Salamis. Believed to have been founded in 1100 BC by a Greek prince who fought in the Trojan War, Salamis was the original capital of Cyprus. Over the centuries it was conquered by Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Romans, and … Read more

Off the Beaten Track in Bulgaria

Dancers perform traditional Bulgarian folk dances at Beli Noshti (White Night) Festival in Beli Izvor, Bulgaria

“Just call me Daisy,” she said. “You know, like in the movie Driving Miss Daisy.” Her name is actually Desislava Natzkova but, as she later explained to me, her Bulgarian name is difficult for most Americans to remember or wrap their tongues around. “So I just make it easy for them.” I met Desi in … Read more

PHOTO: Ancient Roman Amphitheater in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

This ancient Roman Amphitheater in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, is still being used for present-day concerts and plays

The ancient Roman Amphitheater in Plovdiv is one of the most stunning sites in Bulgaria. Records show evidence of occupation in Plovdiv as far back as 6,000 BC, during the Neolithic Age, making it one of Europe’s oldest continuously inhabited cities. In the Bronze Age it became a Thracian settlement named Eumolpias, and in 342 … Read more

PHOTO: The Red Rocks of Belogradchik, Bulgaria

The red rocks of Belogradchik, Bulgaria, turn fiery at sunset

The weird and fabulously formed rocks of Belogradchik, Bulgaria, turn fiery red at sunset. Composed of sandstone, limestone, and conglomerate, the formations resulted when ancient seas that covered the area millions of years ago receded. Over time, the sediments that had lain at the bottom of the sea were eroded by wind and water. Legends … Read more