The Origins of Thailand’s Loy Krathong Festival are Shrouded in Mystery

Holding lighted candles, Thai dancers perform the graceful candle dance at the opening ceremonies of Loy Krathong Festival

The full moon’s reflection splintered into bronze ripples on the surface of the Mae Ping River. On the shore, worshipers lit tea candles and launched them into the river on handmade boats known as krathong. Like thousands of glittering sparks cast off from the moon itself, they floated down the gently undulating river. On this … Read more

A “Suite” Experience at Tahiti Pearl Beach Resort

The perfect place to read a book, sip a cocktail, or just do nothing at all - poolside at Tahiti Pearl Beach Resort

My bed said it all. Using pieces carved from dried palm leaves, the housekeepers at Tahiti Pearl Beach Resort and Spa had meticulously spelled out “Ia ora na” across my king-size mattress. They added a dash of color with fresh flowers plucked from the garden and sweetened the offering with two bars of exfoliating soap … Read more

Tattooed from Head to Toe in the Marquesas Islands

Seaman aboard the Aranui 5 cruise ship is covered from head to toe in tattoos

The seaman was a shock at first. I’d stepped through the bulkhead door and into a dim interior passageway on board the Aranui 5 cruise ship. When my eyes finally adjusted from the brilliant sunshine outside, I found myself staring into the face of a sailor who was covered from head to foot with Polynesian … Read more

VIDEO: Delivering Freight in the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia

The best way to see French Polynesia is a aboard the Aranui 5, a combination cruise ship and freighter

Perhaps the best way to see French Polynesia is to take a cruise on the Aranui 5, a combination cruise ship and freighter. The ship visits three of the island groups in the French territory and delivers freight to all six of the inhabited islands in the Marquesas Archipelago. In this video, I interview Tino, … Read more