Three Best Words to Describe Australia

Goodbye Australia… I leave, I’m thinking about the three best words to describe Australia. I’ve decided upon the following:

DIVERSE: Australia offers an enticing array of cultures, ethnic groups, geologic land forms, world-class cities, and remote rural locales.

Uluru, located in the Red Center of the continent, is a quintessential image associated with
Uluru, located in the Red Center of the continent, is a quintessential image associated with Australia
Millaa Millaa Falls in the Atherton Highlands in NE Australia
Millaa Millaa Falls in the Atherton Highlands in NE Australia

VAST: Australia is not the biggest country in the world. But it’s huge in a way that I have not seen elsewhere, with incomprehensible open spaces that are virtually unpopulated.

Vast stretches of beach in Byron Bay, Austalia, are famous for their white snads and stunning sunsets
Vast stretches of beach in Byron Bay, Australia, are famous for their white sands and stunning sunsets
Another gorgeous sunset at Byron Bay
Another gorgeous sunset at Byron Bay

EXPENSIVE: I may have been influenced by all the time I spent in Sydney, which is the 21st most expensive city in the world, but overall I found Australia to be quite expensive.

Moonrise oer the Sydney Opera House, the most iconic symbol toe describe Austalia
Moonrise oer the Sydney Opera House, the most iconic symbol to describe Australia

Of course, it’s hard to choose just three words to describe Australia, and I realize that every traveler has a unique experience. If you’ve visited Australia, I’d love to hear your ideas. Leave a comment below, telling me your thoughts about how to describe Australia.

53 thoughts on “Three Best Words to Describe Australia”

  1. Your advice has significantly improved my preparations for my study abroad trip, reducing anxiety and uncertainty all along the way. I genuinely appreciate all of your advice, and your support and encouragement have been priceless.

  2. This website is so cool! I live in Russia, but I have gotten the chance to visit my family here and I got to see Sydney Opera House!

  3. I love Australia! I’m an Aussie and I’m proud of it. This helped me a lot with my school project on Australia. Now before I leave this website forever, I’d just like to thank you, Barbara Weibel for making this extremely helpful web page. I will repeat it one last time: THANKS! Farewell.

    • Hmmm…tough question, Sarah. I guess if I had to choose one word, I’d narrow it down to “vast” or maybe “spacious.” It made me feel open, and like I had room to breathe, even in the cities. There’s an openness I don’t feel in other places.

  4. I was having trouble with a worksheet for Australia and I found this and thought “Meh whatever this won’t help at all” but then I saw the answers and was like “HOLY CRAP THIS IS WHAT I NEED!!” Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see what my grade is. Again thank you!

  5. i’m currently doing an essay on different texts that represent australia and i was struggling to find the vocabulary to describe our amazing country, thank you!

  6. I’m glad you enjoyed your time in our beautiful country – you’re right, Australia can be pretty pricey, but thats often how it is in first world countries. Do you enjoy Melbourne? One of the best cities in the world to live, I rekon!

    If you’re interested, I’d love you to see our travel tips site. It’s great so share all you know with other travelers.

    • Hi Bradley:
      Sadly, I did not make it to Melbourne. I would love to come back someday and do the Great Ocean Road. And I’d love to see Perth and the northwest as well – so many places to see in this world and so little time – but Australia is one of the most beautiful.

      • One of the prettiest beaches ,
        Bells Beach .
        30 or 40 mins drive from Philip island Victoria.
        Times may be a little off.
        My favourites at this beach , curved rocks there .
        That surround this beach. We
        Didn’t go in the water.
        So I can comment on that.

        The beach is more a surfers beach I believe.
        Happy for people disagree , famous for the iconic movie , Point break filmed scenes there to.

  7. I completely agree on your words to describe Australia – I actually just got back from a trip to Sydney. It was very short (I was only there for 5 days) but had such a great time! Even in Sydney I felt like it was diverse and vast. I went on a whim, there was a travel company (Down Under Answers) that was offering some great deals on trips, but next time I go back, I’ll have to plan earlier and see more!!

  8. Australia can be expensive but it is such a great country. There are at least some options for cheaper accommodation. You can find great deals, even for a cheap hotel in Sydney.

    Like you say VAST, that may not be a big enough word to describe it!!

    Great to hear your views. Happy Travels.

  9. Barb! Holy S___! I just looked at your blog for the first time this minute and once again I am blown away by your incredible energy and spirit. Just like when you drove 10 hours to hear me and Mike perform… speaking of which, due once again to some kind of karmic sp? connectioin we have, your Australia category drew me right to it. On June 23, the date you posted this entry, we attented a concert by the best acoustic guitar player in the world, Tommy Emmanuel, who just happens to be Australian. I recently bought a Maton guitar model EBG808 TE (guess what the TE stands for), handmade in Australia of Queensland Maple and have used it at every gig for over a year now and can no longer imagine life without it. He even signed it for me. Robin & I would love to take you to one of his concerts. You’ll never forget it! So put the Chesapeake Bay on your agenda for late June next summer. Or maybe we can lure you here even sooner!

    Like I said, I just landed in this here donut hole so I’m looking forward to digesting it all, especially the incredible PHOTOS! Another common interest we’ve always shared.

    Have fun and come home safe!
    Dave, Robin & Ted
    [email protected]


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