The Curse Of Robert The Doll

I snapped a photo of Robert The Doll before reading that he puts curses on anyone who takes his photograph. Uh oh. Surely it’s just a myth, I thought. Curious, I began reading about the doll’s history. In 1903, Robert was given to four-year old Gene Otto, who lived in Key West. As Gene grew up he blamed everything bad that happened on the doll. By the time Gene was married, Robert had taken the blame for a lifetime of lies, misdeeds, and mischief.

Robert The Doll is on display at the East Martello Museum and Fort in Key West

Some say Robert’s face had begun to change by the time Gene died in 1974, that his eyes grew more expressive. People insisted that the doll moved around and could be heard giggling behind their backs. Many who came in contact with Robert experienced bad luck, as if the doll was getting even for all the years he had been made a scapegoat. The curse of Robert The Doll grew into such a well-known legend in Key West that whenever things went wrong, locals would simply shrug and say, “Blame it on Robert.” But Robert’s real fame came when the “Chucky” horror film series (Child’s Play, Child’s Play 2, Child’s Play 3, Bride of Chucky, Seed of Chucky, etc.) came out, as they were said to have been modeled on the real-life story of Robert the Doll.

There are many theories about why Robert behaves the way he does. Some believe it is an ancient curse. Others say it is voodoo. Still others insist that Gene Otto’s ghost has returned to the doll whom he loved so much. The museum cats seem to believe in Robert’s dark powers – they keep their distance when staring up at the glass case in East Martello Museum where Robert is enthroned. People, on the other hand, tend to doubt the legend, and have suffered the consequences. Letters scattered at Robert’s feet and tacked up on an adjacent wall are testimonials from dozens of unbelievers who were cursed by Robert The Doll, such as this one:

Since our visit to the museum, we’ve been under a dark cloud.

I began to develop a rather severe toothache. Two days later, Hurricane Charly cut our vacation short and we joined the parade of evacuees leaving the islands. We were evacuated from our vacation spot three days early with my mouth in tremendous pain. My sister-in-law was also having female health issues. We were all forced to make alternate travel arrangements on the run.

My sister-in-law lives in Clearwater. After a problem laden and horrendous trip, she finally got home, only to be evacuated from there too. She packed up her two cats and headed for her parents house in Winter Haven and ended up in the middle of the storm there. They lost power for two days.

When we arrived in Miami for our flight back to Indianapolis, the plane broke and they had to “find” a different one for us. The following day, back in Indiana, I went to the dentist to learn that my tooth had abscessed and I had to have a root canal.

Last night we had a huge thunderstorm. Our house was hit by lightning – not once, but TWICE! We were unplugging things, but not fast enough. We lost three TV’s and a large satellite dish. The first hit, which sounded like a gunshot in the house, took one large TV and the satellite dish, and the second hit got two more TV’s. Again, the sound was horribly frightening.

Please do me a favor and tell Robert that we did not mean to anger or offend him and we’re sorry if we did. His photo did turn out good, so he sat very nicely for me. Would he like it back?

Yours sincerely,

Cindy Lyons

Battle Ground, Indiana

Hundreds of letters have been sent to the Museum by visitors who beg Robert’s forgiveness and ask him to remove his curse

As for me, well, Robert and I were introduced several days ago and so far I’ve suffered no ill effects. But then, I’m not taking any chances. Like the cats, I choose to believe.



1,434 thoughts on “The Curse Of Robert The Doll”

  1. Dear Robert,
    I am very sorry for looking you up online and looking at your pictures without your permission. I hope you can forgive me. I did not mean to disrespect you in any way, please forgive me. I was just curious about you. Please forgive me robert.

    Carolina Arreola

    • I am so sorry for viewing your picture Robert, I was just genuinely curious about you. I did not mean to upset or disrespect you.

  2. Dear Robert, we visited you last night and like soo many others, have had nothing but problems since we left. We would like to apologize for being disrespectful and not following your rules. We didn’t take it seriously and have learned a valuable lesson from it. Never again will we doubt the power of the supernatural! Again, our apologies Robert.

    • Dear Robert

      I’m very sorry for looking at pictures of you. I didn’t think of you as real, or dare I say, another phony creepypasta! I’m aware you have boundaries and I violated them. On behalf of my family and I, I am truly, truly sorry. I also did screenshot you because I forgot about all your rules. I understand I behaved inappropriately and I’m not yet feeling the effects of your curse yet. I don’t believe I should be disciplined too severely, but I understand I violated your rules. I can’t express my regret in these words. Let me just say, I’m an immense idiot for doing what I did! I wasn’t aware of all your rules yet. If I was, I would never, never do this again! I have deleted the screenshot and deleted it as soon as I remembered I couldn’t screenshot you or take a picture of you without your permission. If you could find the forgiveness in your heart, I beg you forgive me. You’re a gorgeous doll and I would never disrespect you on purpose! Please, please, please. I beg you forgive me! I hope you don’t think I taunted you and if I did, I promise it wasn’t on purpose. I beg you to search for some empathy in your pure, pure heart of gold! I can’t express it enough, I’m truly, truly sorry! I hope you can forgive my family and I. Please don’t chastise us for my idiocy, as I wasn’t aware of your rules. I hope this letter can compensate for my, and no one else’s mistake. Just please don’t punish us. I’m truly sorry and regret doing everything I did to you.

      Yours truly, Jose Corona

  3. Dear Robert,
    Brooke and I are very sorry for looking at pictures and watching a video about your life. It was very disrespectful to do so without asking first. I was only very curious after a story I was told about you. My heart breaks for the people in your life.
    Steph and Brooke

  4. To Robert,

    I’m writing this apology for looking at your picture again. I saw you accidentally and I wasn’t looking for you intentionally.

    I always make sure to apologise to you as that is what is appropriate. You have your boundaries and I understand that you wish for them to be respected.

    As I have made this error again, I do hope you still forgive me and decide to remove any bad luck you may have put on me or my family.

    In future, as this has happened again, I will make sure not to see your picture.


  5. We hear the stories about people being “cursed”. How about people that took picture and had no negative after effects? If a demon is attached then its nothing to play around with, and why give it attention at all? If somebody is in the state of mortal sin demons are a great danger. Those guilty of fornication, lust, pride, greed, adultry, contraception, and the like are in grave danger of hell, not just a cursed doll. As long as I’m in a state of grace I do not fear any demon, certainly not one confirmed to a doll. I write this comment while sitting in the presence of my Lord in the Holy Eucharst. Demons and curses have no power in comparison to God. If you reject God but believe in demons why? If you believe in the evil of demons, you are better to fear hell and turn to God

  6. Dear Robert,
    You are fascinating, like any paranormal object.
    I was very curious about you so I looked you up
    I’ve hear about you from Lore and other pop culture references
    Please forgive me for looking you up without permission
    I am a believer and respect you
    A Believer

    • Dear Robert I’m so sorry I looked at your photos without permission. I didn’t mean to offend you and was simply intrigued by your story
      My apologies, I hope you can forgive me.

  7. Dear Robert
    I’m very sorry for searching you up without your permission
    please forgive me and my ignorance and i mean you no harm in any way
    i feel your pain and would like to ask for your forgiveness with such sincerity
    Dear Robert (Gene) i humbly ask you to remove any form of curse placed upon on me
    i want to respect you and forgive me once again , my deepest and most sincerest apologies

    • same. Robert Im sorry for looking at your pics without your permission. please forgive man cah I didn’t know you took offence to it. ight sn sn g

  8. Dear Robert I’m sorry for looking at your image without asking.

    I was just curious and it came up when looking for films to watch.
    Bye, I won’t again thank you

  9. robert,

    I’m sorry for looking at your picture without permission. i only wanted to learn more about you. I hope you can forgive me.

  10. Dear Robert, Im sorry i didnt ask for permission before searching your name and looking at pictures of you, I didnt know until now that i had to. I wont do it again, please forgive me.

  11. Dear Robert,
    I am so very sorry that I searched up pictures of you without permission. I don’t wish to offend or anger you. My deepest apologies.

  12. I’m so very sorry for watching videos about you and reading articles I hope you forgive me I did not know that I needed permission for this – Natalia

    • Robert I am so sorry for looking up your photos without your permission I believe in you completely and I was just curious as to your backstory.

  13. Dear Robert I’m sorry for searching you up without permission please forgive me I won’t do it again I just wanted to know how to ask you for permission soon didn’t offend you I’m so sorry

    • Dear Robert,
      I’m sorry for searching you up and looking at your picture without your permission. Please forgive me. I won’t do it ever again. I’m so sorry.

  14. Dear Robert, sorry for searching you up without permission and looking at photos of you. I won’t do it again please forgive me.

  15. Dearest Robert,

    My sincere apologies for looking at your pictures without your permission. I was just curious as to who you were. Please forgive me. I respect you.

    • Dear Robert, I’m very sorry about researching you without your permission. I hope that you forgive me and let no curse or harm be done. Have a very nice day.

      • Dear Robert,
        I’m sorry for searching you up and looking at your picture without your permission. Please forgive me. I won’t do it ever again. I’m so sorry.

  16. Dear Robert,

    I’m sorry for looking at your pictures and researching you without asking first
    I was ignorant and I apologize I hope you can forgive me, i’ll Delete all my history if it’ll make things right

    • Dear Robert (Gene),
      I just wanted to say we respect you. I felt your energy and I hope it was okay to meet your acquaintance and say hello. I hope the museum continues to preserve you. Take care.

  17. Dear Robert,
    I apologize for taking pictures and researching you before asking permission. I was unaware that you were not supposed to do those things before asking. Please forgive us and let no harm be done.

    Thank you,
    Marla and Jordan

  18. Dear Robert

    I deeply apologize to you if I offended you by searching about you. I wasn’t aware about the fact that it may hurt you. Very sorry. I appreciate that you will read this comment. Thank you for your precious time.

    Yours faithfully
    Bhavya gautam


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