Be Open To Seeing Things In A New Way

This emotionally stirring film, Story of a Sign, by Alonso Alvarez Barreda was the winner of the fourth annual online competition of the 2008 Short Film Corner at Cannes. Its powerful message urges us to look at things from a new perspective. Presented by the national Film Board of Canada, in collaboration with the Cannes … Read more

An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living

Ponder a life of traveling long term

Master Taisen Deshimaru said: “To think is to choose to observe and comprehend, even if one is disturbed by oneself or others. Ultimately, to think means to understand, to understand primordial matter, the first thing in history.“ Master Ok-Sung An-Baron said: “Between he who has conquered a hundred thousand men in battle and he who … Read more

Dick Hoyt, a True American Hero

I’ve been writing a lot lately about how we seem to have lost our way in this country; about how we value material possessions over family, friends, and belief in a higher power of our choosing. Today I was reminded that there are people who have never lost sight of what is most important in … Read more