Sydney Is Not On The Ocean

Usually, I’m pretty savvy about geography, but for some reason I thought that Sydney, Australia was on the ocean. Whenever I looked at a map of Australia, Sydney appeared to be on the coast – this is such a large country that small maps of it don’t show much detail. Then there are the more … Read more

So Much Culture In Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia is rife with museums and art galleries. There’s the Australian Heritage Fleet, the Australian National Maritime Museum, the Conservation Resource Centre, the Discovery Museum at The Rocks, the Justice and Police Museum, the Macleay Museum, the Museum of Australian Currency Notes, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Sydney, the Powerhouse Museum, … Read more

Three Words to Describe: Vietnam, Bali, Cambodia, Thailand, and New Zealand

When I began this trip I decided I would select three words that best described each country I visited. Initially I was going to wait until the end of the trip and compile them all into one post, but I have decided to do this immediately upon departing each country, as the reasons for selecting … Read more

Photo Tour Of Sydney Harbour

As I walked to and from the Sydney Writer’s Festival yesterday I took lots of photos so I thought I’d just share a few: And finally, although there have probably been a zillion photos taken of Sydney’s famous Opera House, and I’m sure these lend nothing new to the body of works, I felt compelled … Read more