It’s Good To Laugh


My friend Julia emailed this to me today. some of you may have seen it, but I laughed so hard when I read it I thought it was too good not to share: The Christmas Pageant My husband and I had been happily married (most of the time) for five years but hadn’t been blessed … Read more

Hi-Tech Japanese Barcodes

The Japanese are so far ahead of us in electronics that it’s positively scary. These two-dimensional barcodes, called QR Codes, are their newest twist on futuristic technology. Developed in 1994, the codes were originally developed to track parts in vehicle manufacturing. Today they appear in magazine ads, flyers, signs, buses, business cards – on almost … Read more

E-Paper And E-Ink – The Death Of Newspapers And Books As We Know Them?

Sony eReader

As a baby-boomer I’ve long believed that I am part of the most powerful group of consumers in the history of the United States. With their huge numbers, baby-boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) have tremendous purchasing power and the ability to be market makers for products and services. Generation X ‘ers – those … Read more

Cell Phone Nightmares

When I returned from my recent trip around the world one my first tasks was to get a new cell phone. The process of choosing a cellular service provider and phone turned out to be more frustrating than I expected. Since I expect to be doing a lot of traveling in the future, I need … Read more