Planet Earth, From Breathtaking To Hilarious

I often post about environmental issues and the need to protect our fragile environment. Amidst all this doom and gloom, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty of our planet. The Emmy Award-winning BBC nature documentary, Planet Earth, celebrates this beauty and diversity, demonstrating through its images the vast amount of uncharted and untouched … Read more

Art Deco On The Go

I came across this old convertible the other day while walking between my house and downtown Sarasota and it was so unique that I just HAD to snap a few photos. Pretty trippy! Only in Florida….

Our Disgrace Through An Artist’s Eyes

I often write about our threatened environment, much of which has been the result of our materialistic, consumption-driven society. But words can only be so descriptive; it is images that have the real power. Photographer Chris Jordan’s work is all about consumption. He has created intricately detailed prints assembled from thousands of smaller photographs, many … Read more