On The Road Again, Hungry And In Search Of Food

While it might seem simple to find food while driving down the Interstate, in my case the options are few, since I am vegetarian. At the moment I am traveling down I-20 in western South Carolina, examining the restaurant options at each exit, hoping beyond hope for something other than a diner, a buffet, or … Read more

Home Free

It’s official! I’m home free. I’ve sold my home on the Outer Banks. The deed was recorded this afternoon and I turned the last two keys over to the new owners, just before hitting the road and heading south. It was NOT an easy closing. There were glitches and delays, and in the end the … Read more

When Helping People, The Simplest Ideas Are The Best

During the past few years, I have frequently contemplated the issue of charitable giving. Every time there is a disaster of major proportion, we are called upon to donate. I listened to these pleas following 9/11 and the tsunami. Of late, the earthquake in China, the Myanmar cyclone, and the flooding along the Mississippi have … Read more