The Birdman Cult of Easter Island

Houses at the Orongo ceremonial village were built on a narrow ledge of land between the volcano crater and the sea

After the decline of Moai culture on Easter Island, a new cult emerged that revolved around fertility and the worship of migratory seabirds. As the Moai had represented the idea of ancestor worship, the new Birdman Cult was represented by the Tangatu-mana (birdman), a human body with the head of a bird. The village of … Read more

Easter Island – One of the Most Spiritual Places on Earth

Ahu Ko Te Riku, the only Moai of Easter Island discovered with intact eyes

For years, friends have raved that Easter Island is the most spiritual place they have ever visited. This speck of land in the eastern Pacific, known to locals as Rapa Nui, had been on my wish list for years. Since childhood I had read about the Moai, enormous statues that the indigenous people carved and … Read more

PHOTO: Lago Nordenskjold Viewpoint in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

Lago Nordenskjold in Torres del Paine, Chile iridscent mountains and lakes in Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia Chile

What struck me most about Torres del Paine National Park in the Patagonian region of Chile were the colors. Depending upon the angle of the sun, the mountains of the Cordillera Paine Massif range from the deepest black to pale gray, lavender, and Wedgwood blue. As the sun sets, abundant feldspar in the granite flanks … Read more

Torres del Paine National Park in Chile – One of the World’s Beautiful Places

Las Torres (the towers or pinnacles), are perhaps the best known formation within the park. Although they are best seen at the end of difficult treks, I was delighted that they were also easily viewable on a guided day tour

Torres del Paine National Park in Chile is one of the world’s beautiful places. The centerpiece of the park is a branch of the Andes mountain range known as the Cordillera del Paine. Located in the southern Patagonian region of the country, the park’s magnificent scenery includes lakes ranging from ultramarine blue to brilliant turquoise, … Read more